Chose Your Own Grandparenting Style
The Power of Myths reminds me of the classic children’s story “Little Red Riding Hood” it has almost all the main features of one stereotyped image of a grandparent. Once upon a time, at the edge of a...
View ArticleMom Mania
There is one thing that all mothers can agree on no matter what their job title, income, number of children, education, religion, or location: They want to raise kids who are happy, confident , and...
View ArticleTeachable Moments
Ever since I read about “Teachable Moments” I’ve believed they’re the easiest and most enjoyable way to teach a child anything. And grandparents, have more teachable moments with their grandchildren,...
View ArticleRoll Out Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days Of Summer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Days of Juicy Juice, Goldfish and Mom’s yummy home-made monster cookies. Dust off the sun and the moon and sing a song of cheer. Fill your lunch boxs...
View ArticleCreate A Happy Heart
Life is full of opportunities to create a happy heart. My mother use to say the most wasted of all days, is one with out laughter. She believed in positive thinking and that singing happy songs help to...
View ArticleLost In The World Of Disney
Today’s children live in a world filled with adventure, mental stimulation, topical issues, and personal challenges. The values they learn now, between the ages of 5 and 8, will shape the rest of their...
View ArticleIs Over Commitment Your Middle Name?
Is over commitment your middle name? Do you hate to turn anyone down? Do you say yes before thinking? If overcommitment is making you run behind schedule, here are ten ways to say, “Thanks, but no...
View ArticleTips For Guiltless Grandparenting
Guiltless grandparenting starts with self-acceptance that most grandparents are trying to instill in their grandchildren. So if you really want them to value themselves, you have to show them how by...
View ArticleThe Wubbolus World OF Grandmothers
Margaret Mead wrote: “The closet friends I have made all through my life have been people who grew up close to a loved and loving grandmother or grandfather.” In part, she attributed the strong bond...
View Article“When Mama Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy!”
Many couples are putting their children at the center of the family. This doesn’t sound like a bad thing, after all, aren’t your grandchildren the apple of your eye too? But when parents put their...
View ArticleMrs. Doubtfire Are We Still A Family?
In the movie Mrs.Doubtfire a little girl named Katie Mc Komcick writes a letter to Mrs.Doubtfire asking this question: If my parents are separated are we still a family? Uunfortunately this is a...
View ArticleWhen You’re Young At Heart…
Fairy Tales, can come true, it can happen to you. If you’re young at heart. For it’s hard, you will find, to be narrow of mind. If you’re young at heart. When you can go to extremes, with impossible...
View ArticleA Slice Of Life
Having fun with our kids is like a slice of pie. Think about a pie not as a fruit pie, but as a pie of life with slices that define different, slices of family life. One slice is childhood, the next...
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